Awards > Copenhagen Business School Prize / Danny Van Den Bulcke Best Paper Prize / EIBA Best Doctoral Thesis Proposal in IB Award / SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award / IBR Best Journal Paper of the Year Award / Lazaridis Institute Award / GSJ Global Strategy Research Prize / EIBA Best Reviewer Award / EIBA Distinguished Honorary Fellowship / EIBA Lifetime Achievement Award
Copenhagen Business School Prize
The Copenhagen Prize was established by Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and awarded for the first time at the 29th EIBA Annual Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark (December 2003). In 2011, the award was renamed SMG Copenhagen Prize – and in 2014, Copenhagen Business School Prize. The award honours the best overall conference paper written by a young scholar in International Business. The winning paper must have been written by an author or authors under 40 years of age and have been accepted for presentation at the EIBA Annual Conference. Contenders for the award should indicate their candidature along with their submission.
NOTE: As of 2023, the winners receive the Copenhagen Business School Prize in non-taxable funds as reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses in connection to a research stay at one or more of the three CBS sponsoring Departments: Department of International Economics, Governance and Business (EGB); Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC); Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI).
Jan Schmitt (University of Amsterdam), Martijn Boermans (De Nederlandsche Bank) Follow Me Home: Disentangling Differential Investor Reactions to Cross-Border Headquarters’ Relocations
Ilka WEICHERT, Theresa VEER (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Picking the right cherries - The relevance of venture-CVC complementarity and CVC presence for new venture internationalization, location choice, and performance.
A. BOTELLA-ANDREU (Universitat de Valencia), K. LAVORATORI (Henley Business School, University of Reading)
Two heads are better than one: Determinants of MNC’s headquarters disaggregation in the home region.
Jongmin LEE
Intellectual property regimes and knowledge governance in MNEs: Expatriate staffing in manufacturing subsidiaries.
Su CONG & Lingshuang KONG (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Reverse technology transfer in Chinese MNCs: The role of home and host institutional factors.
Thomas LINDNER (WU Vienna University of Economics & Business, Austria)
Global Diversification Strategy and Firm Performance: A Modelling and Simulation Study.
Flladina ZILJA (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
CEO Overconfidence and Subsidiary Divestments.
Luisa GAGLIARDI (University of Geneva, Switzerland) & Andrea ASCANI (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Heterogeneous spillover effects from MNE investments: Domestic learning capacity and technological opportunities.
Michael MÜLLER, Guus HENDRIKS & Arjen SLANGEN (RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands)
Institutional Distance and Emerging Market Multinationals’ Establishment Mode Choices: The Importance of Context, Direction and Interaction.
Alfredo JIMÉNEZ (Kedge Business School, France)
Market-political ambidexterity in Spanish MNEs: The simultaneous relationship between scope of internationalization and political risk.
Marlena Monika DZIKOWSKA (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
The role of a subsidiary within the value chain of a MNE – a structural model development.
Heidi WECHTLER (Macquarie University, Australia) & Alexei KOVESHNIKOV (Hanken School of Economics, Finland)
There are two sides to every coin? Elucidating the effects of emotional intelligence on expatriates’ attitudes and behaviour.
Eliane CHOQUETTE (Aarhus University, Denmark) – for two papers that were both presented at EIBA 2012 Sussex / Brighton:
Export spillovers: Opening the Black Box. / What do inward-outward in the internationalization process of firms mean for export survival?
Virginia HERNANDEZ & Maria Jesus NIETO (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
The impact of institutional distance on the international entry modes of SMEs: A two-way effect.
H. Emre YILDIZ (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)
Not all differences are the same: The role of status and similarity in sociocultural integration in cross-border M&As.
Annique UN (University of South Carolina, USA)
Advantages of foreigness in innovation.
Henrik DELLESTRAND & Philip KAPPEN (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Headquarter allocation of resources to intra-MNE transfer projects.
Joaquin ALEGRE & José PLA BARBER (University of Valencia, Spain), & Ricardo CHIVA (University Jaume I, Spain)
Organisational learning capability, innovation and export intensity: Evidence from Italian and Spanish ceramic tile producers.
Christian SCHWENS & Rüdiger KABST (University of Giessen, Germany)
How early internationalizers learn: Experience of others and paradigms of interpretation.
Helmut FRYGES (Centre for European Economic Research, Germany)
The change of sales mode in international markets: Empirical results for German and British high-tech firms.
Felicia FAI (Bath University, UK)
Using supply relationships for economic development: The process, content and context of knowledge transfers between MNEs and Chinese suppliers.
Dorothee FEILS (University of Alberta, Canada)
The impact of NAFTA on foreign direct investment in Canada, Mexico and the US.