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Previous EIBA Annual Conferences
The EIBA Annual Conference provides the main networking event and focal point for EIBA members past, present,and future. Typically held in early to mid-December in various European locations (and occasionally outside Europe), this international conference features paper presentations, workshops, sessions and panels on new and on-going research and practice, inviting the free exchange of ideas & open discussion by academics, young scholars, and professionals alike – a must-attend congress for anyone seriously interested & involved in the field of International Business (IB). Please visit the Gallery on this website (under the Events tab) to see photos & videos of past EIBA Annual Conferences.
Below is a historical perspective on the event, in descending chronological order – down to the first EIBA conference held in 1975. (For an overview of upcoming EIBA Annual Conferences, please visit the Future Conferences page of this website.)
50th EIBA Annual Conference – Helsinki, 12-14 December 2024 ♦ call for papers
Host: Aalto University, Finland
President: Rebecca Piekkari
49th EIBA Annual Conference – Lisbon, 15-17 December 2023 ♦ call for papers ♦ ♦ conference program & proceedings (abstracts) [ISBN: 978-989-54368-4-2]
Host: University of Lisbon, Portugal
President: Nuno Fernandes Crespo | Conference Co-Chair: Vítor Corado Simões
48th EIBA Annual Conference – Oslo, 8-10 December 2022 ♦ call for papers ♦ ♦ conference program & proceedings (abstracts) [ISBN: 978-82-8247-289-0]
Theme: "Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world"
Host: BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo Campus, Norway
President: Birgitte Grøgaard (BI Norwegian Business School) | Conference Co-Chair: Ilan Alon (University of Agder)
47th EIBA Annual Conference – Madrid, 10-12 December 2021 ♦ call for papers ♦ videos ♦ photos ♦ programme book & abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-84-09-39058-8]
Theme: "Firms, Innovation, and Location: Reshaping International Business for Sustainable Development in the Post-Pandemic Era"
Host: Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
President: Isabel Álvarez
46th EIBA Annual Conference – Online, 10-12 December 2020 ♦ call for papers ♦ guidelines ♦ video channel ♦ abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-3-200-07516-0]
Theme: "International Business in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era"
Host: Institute for International Business (IIB), WU Vienna, Austria
Conference Co-Chairs: Lucia Piscitello & Jonas Puck | Program Chair: Thomas Lindner | Social Chair: Kristin Brandl
45th EIBA Annual Conference – Leeds, 13-15 December 2019 ♦ call for papers ♦ photos & videos ♦ programme book & abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-1-5272-5179-3]
"What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order"
Host: Leeds University Business School, UK
President: Timothy Devinney | Conference Co-Chair: Elizabeth Rose
44th EIBA Annual Conference – Poznań, 13-15 December 2018 ♦ flyer ♦ call for papers ♦ abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-83-952955-0-8] ♦ awards & conference track best papers
"International Business in a Transforming World – the Changing Role of States and Firms"
Host: Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
President: Barbara Jankowska | Conference Co-Chair: Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat
43rd EIBA Annual Conference – Milan, 14-16 December 2017 ♦ call for papers ♦ abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-88-6493-042-8] ♦ conference track best papers
"International Business in the Information Age"
Host: Politecnico di Milano, Italy
President: Lucia Piscitello
42nd EIBA Annual Conference – Vienna, 2-4 December 2016 ♦ call for papers ♦ abstract proceedings [ISBN: 978-3-200-05028-0]
"Liabilities of Foreignness vs. the Value of Diversity: Conflict or Complement?"
Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
President: Jonas Puck
41st EIBA Annual Conference – Rio de Janeiro, 1-3 December 2015 ♦ call for papers
"International Business after the BRIC’s Rush"
Host: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
President: Jorge Carneiro (PUC-Rio) | Conference Co-Chair: Claude Obadia (ESCE-Paris)
40th EIBA Annual Conference – Uppsala, 11-13 December 2014 ♦ flyer ♦ call for papers ♦ call for reviewers
"The Future of Global Organizing"
Host: Uppsala University, Sweden
President: Rian Drogendijk
39th EIBA Annual Conference – Bremen, 12-14 December 2013 ♦ flyer
"Transnational Firms, Markets and Institutions: New Challenges and Opportunities for International Business"
Host: University of Bremen, Germany
President: Sarianna Lundan
38th EIBA Annual Conference – Brighton, 7-9 December 2012
"International Business and Sustainable Development"
Co-Hosts: University of Sussex (venue) & King’s College London, UK
President: Roger Strange | Conference Co-Chair: Pervez Ghauri
37th EIBA Annual Conference – Bucharest, 8-10 December 2011
"Taking IB in Europe to the Next Level: Emerging Issues, Strategies and Economies"
Host: Faculty of International Business, Academy of Economic Studies
President: Liviu Voinea
36th EIBA Annual Conference – Porto, 9-11 December 2010 |
"IB’S Role in Building a Better and Stronger Global Economy"
Host: School of Economics of the University of Porto
President: Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann
35th EIBA Annual Conference – Valencia, 13-15 December 2009
"Reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in an Era of Global Interdependence"
Host: University of Valencia
President: José Pla Barber
34th EIBA Annual Conference – Tallinn, 11-13 December 2008
"IB and the Catching Up Economies: Challenges and Opportunities"
Co-Hosts: Tallinn School of Economics & Business Administration, and Tallinn University of Technology
President: Enn Listra
33rd EIBA Annual Conference – Catania, 13-15 December 2007
"International Business, Local Developments and Science-Technology Relationships"
Host: University of Catania
President: Grazia Santangelo
32nd EIBA Annual Conference - Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006
"Regional and National Drivers of Business Location and Competitiveness"
Host: University of Fribourg
President: Philippe Gugler
31st EIBA Annual Conference – Oslo, 10-13 December 2005
"Landscapes and Mindscapes in a Globalised World"
Host: BI Norwegian School of Management
President: Gabriel Benito
30th EIBA Annual Conference – Ljubljana, 5-8 December 2004
"Challenges to the International Business and Management"
Host: University of Ljubljana
President: Marjan Svetličič
29th EIBA Annual Conference – Copenhagen, 11-13 December 2003
"MNC as a Knowing Organisation"
Host: Copenhagen Business School
President: Torben Pedersen
28th EIBA Annual Conference – Athens, 8-10 December 2002
"Regional Integration, Agglomeration and International Business"
Host: Athens University of Economics & Business
President: Marina Papanastassiou
27th EIBA Annual Conference – Paris, 13-15 December 2001
"Alliances & Confrontations: Globalisation and the Logic of Trading Blocks"
Host: ESCP-EAP European School of Management
President: Alain Chevalier
26th EIBA Annual Conference – Maastricht, 10-12 December 2000
"European Business in the Global Network"
Host: Maastricht University, Faculty of Economics & Business Administration
President: John Hagedoorn
25th EIBA Annual Conference – Manchester, 12-14 December 1999
"International Business and the Global Services Economy"
Host: Manchester School of Management, UMIST
President: Fred Burton
24th EIBA Annual Conference – Jerusalem, 13-15 December 1998
"International Business Strategies and Middle East Regional Cooperation"
Host: Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University
President: Eugene Jaffe
23rd EIBA Annual Conference – Stuttgart, 14-16 December 1997
"Global Business in the Information Age"
Host: EXTEC (Centre for Research in Export and Technology Management), University Hohenheim
President: Klaus Macharzina
22nd EIBA Annual Conference – Stockholm, 15-17 December 1996
"Innovation and International Business"
Host: IIB (Institute of International Business), Stockholm School of Economics
Presidents: Gunnar Hedlund (†) & Örjan Sölvell
21st EIBA Annual Conference – Urbino, 10-12 December 1995
"New Challenges for European and International Business"
Host: Università di Urbino, Facoltà di Economia
President: Roberto Schiattarella
20th EIBA Annual Conference – Warsaw, 11-13 December 1994
Host: International Management Centre of the University of Warsaw
President: Krzysztof Obłój
19th EIBA Annual Conference – Lisbon, 12-14 December 1993
Host: Centre for European Studies and Documentation of the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao - Technical University Lisbon
President: Vítor Corado Simões
18th EIBA Annual Conference – Reading, 13-15 December 1992
Host: University of Reading
President: John Cantwell
17th EIBA Annual Conference – Copenhagen, 15-17 December 1991
Host: Copenhagen Business School
President: Harald Vestergaard (†)
16th EIBA Annual Conference – Madrid, 12-15 December 1990
Host: Centro Internacional Carlos V, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
President: Juan José Duran
15th EIBA Annual Conference – Helsinki, 17-19 December 1989
Host: Helsinki School of Economics
President: Reijo Luostarinen (†)
14th EIBA Annual Conference – Berlin, 11-13 December 1988
Host: Universität Dortmund
President: Hans Günter Meissner (†)
13th EIBA Annual Conference – Antwerp, 13-15 December 1987
Host: University of Antwerp - RUCA
President: Danny Van Den Bulcke (†)
12th EIBA Annual Conference – London, 20-21 November 1986
Host: City University London
Presidents: Neil Hood (†) & Danny Van Den Bulcke (†)
11th EIBA Annual Conference – Glasgow, 15-17 December 1985
Host: Strathclyde Business School
President: Neil Hood (†)
10th EIBA Annual Conference – Rotterdam, 16-19 December 1984
Host: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
President: Roland Schuit (†)
9th EIBA Annual Conference – Oslo, 18-20 December 1983
Host: Norwegian School of Management
President: Pal Korsvold
8th EIBA Annual Conference – Fontainebleau, 19-21 December 1982
President: José de la Torre (†)
7th EIBA Annual Conference – Barcelona, 17-19 December 1981
Host: IESE
President: Barto Roig (†)
6th EIBA Annual Conference – Antwerp, 10-13 December 1980
Host: UFSIA (University of Antwerp)
President: Sylvain Plasschaert
5th EIBA Annual Conference – London, 12-14 December 1979
Host: London Business School
President: John Stopford (†)
4th EIBA Annual Conference – Dortmund, 14-16 December 1978
Host: Universität Dortmund
President: Hans Günther Meissner (†)
3rd EIBA Annual Conference – Uppsala, 14-17 December 1977
Host: CIF (Centre for International Business) at the Department of Business Administration, Uppsala University
President: Lars-Gunnar Mattsson
2nd EIBA Annual Conference – Brussels, 16-17 December 1976
Host: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management)
President: Michel Ghertman
1st EIBA Annual Conference – Jouy-en-Josas, 15-16 December 1975
Host: CESA (Centre d'Enseignement Supérieur des Affaires)
President: James Leontiades