Governance > EIBA Fellows / EIBA Board / General Assembly
EIBA Fellows
The EIBA Fellows initiative was established at the 27th EIBA Annual Conference held in Paris in December 2001. EIBA Fellowships recognise outstanding research and educational achievements in the field of International Business, together with contributions to EIBA. The Founding Fellows elected by EIBA in 2001 were: John Cantwell, John H. Dunning, Seev Hirsch, and Reijo Luostarinen. The EIBA Fellows subsequently elected John Dunning as their first Dean, and John Cantwell was appointed as the first Secretary / Treasurer. The Fellows themselves elect new EIBA Fellows.
The EIBA Fellows consist of a group of senior scholars who collectively represent a distinctively European contribution to thinking in the greater field of International Business. The Fellows meet yearly, usually at the EIBA Annual Conference. Among their ongoing regular activities, the Fellows are engaged in worthy initiatives and projects in support of EIBA. The administration and objectives of the EIBA Fellows are outlined in their Constitution.
Tamar ALMOR College of Management, Israel
{Secretary/Treasurer of the EIBA Fellows – 2021-2024}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2020 |
Ulf ANDERSSON Mälardalen University, Sweden |
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2021 |
Gabriel R. G. BENITO BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2017 |
Peter BUCKLEY Leeds University, UK |
John CANTWELL Rutgers University, Newark Campus, NJ, USA
Honoris Causa Ceremony – Investiture of Prof John Cantwell as Honorary Doctor of Universidad Complutense Madrid (9 Dec 2021)
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2001 {First Secretary/Treasurer of the EIBA Fellows} |
Timothy DEVINNEY University of Manchester, UK
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2020 |
Juan José DURÁN University of Madrid, Spain,-Juan-Jose/1234888497015.htm?language=es&pid=1234888496695&title=Duran%20Herrera,%20Juan%20Jose {emeritus member as of 2024}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2003 |
Mats FORSGREN Uppsala University, Sweden
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2006 |
Pervez GHAURI University of Birmingham, UK
{Secretary/Treasurer of the EIBA Fellows – 2012-2015}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2008 |
Birgit GROGAARD BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
{Secretary/Treasurer of the EIBA Fellows – 2024-2027}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2023 |
Philippe GUGLER University of Fribourg, Switzerland
{Dean of the EIBA Fellows – 2024-2027}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2014 |
John HAGEDOORN Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2004 |
Jean-François HENNART Tilburg University, Netherlands |
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2007 |
Sarianna LUNDAN University of Bremen, Germany
{Dean of the EIBA Fellows – 2021-2024}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2009 |
Klaus MACHARZINA University of Hohenheim, Germany
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2003 |
Lars-Gunnar MATTSSON Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2003 |
Sheeram (Ram) MUDAMBI Temple University, USA
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2018 |
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Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2022 |
Krzysztof OBŁÓJ University of Warsaw, Poland | Kozminski University, Poland | |
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2006 |
Lars OXELHEIM University of Adger, Norway | Lund University, Sweden | Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2010 |
Marina PAPANASTASSIOU University of Leeds, UK
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2011 |
Torben PEDERSEN Bocconi University, Italy
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2016 |
Rebecca PIEKKARI Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2012 |
Lucia PISCITELLO Politecnico di Milano, Italy
{EIBA Chair – 2018-2024}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2015 |
José PLA-BARBER University of Valencia, Spain |
{EIBA Vice-Chair – 2012-2018}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2019 |
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Jonas PUCK WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
{EIBA Vice-Chair – 2018-2024}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2023 |
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Trond RANDØY University of Agder, Norway
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2022 |
Francesca SANNA-RANDACCIO Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy {emeritus member as of 2021}
Grazia SANTANGELO Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2017 |
Vítor SIMÕES University of Lisbon, Portugal
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2005 |
Örjan SÖLVELL Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
{inactive member}
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2008 |
Roger STRANGE University of Sussex Business School, UK
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2021 |
Marjan SVETLIČIČ University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2007 |
Ana Teresa TAVARES-LEHMANN University of Porto, Portugal Secretary of State of Industry, Portugal
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2016 |
Alain VERBEKE University of Calgary, Canada
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2019 |
Udo ZANDER Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2018 |
As stated in their Constitution, the objectives of the EIBA Fellows are: (i) to recognize outstanding contributions to the scholarship and practice of international business; (ii) to exercise a leadership role in education and scholarship in the field – particularly among European-based teachers and researchers; (iii) to support and encourage the development of EIBA; and (iv) to provide a forum for interaction among the EIBA Fellows as well as for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of International Business.
The EIBA Fellows meet annually and undertake to arrange one plenary or semi-plenary session at each EIBA Annual Conference, with the agreement of the conference organisers. The intention of the EIBA Fellows is that the theme of the Fellows' Session will be broad, have a visionary purpose, and be open to multidisciplinary viewpoints. This topic is intended to deal with thematic perspectives rather than empirical details, reflecting the bigger picture of scholarship and the global economy, yet with some appeal to practitioners as well as to academics. The EIBA Fellows are also engaged in a number of other initiatives in support of the European International Business Academy (EIBA).
EIBA Fellows rosette
The Fellows of EIBA decided during their meeting of February 8th, 2023 to introduce a visible recognition of the status of EIBA Fellow. This visible recognition takes the form of a tricoloured rosette. The green colour represents the official colour of EIBA as an institution dedicated to the advancement of international business scholarship. The blue and gold colours represent the colours of EIBA’s official journal, International Business Review, which is committed to publishing the most creative and innovative research in the field of international business.
The rosette is a formal acknowledgment of each individual EIBA Fellow’s contributions to the field of international business scholarship. It is presented each year to newly elected Fellows at the time of their induction.
The rosette, when worn publicly, should function as a catalyst for engaging in a dialogue with scholars in other fields of academic inquiry and with other stakeholders in society. It is meant to raise awareness about the importance of international business for the global community. The rosette aims to express in a tangible form the role that international business plays in promoting peace and mutual understanding among nations.
The Fellows are grateful to Alain Verbeke for his engagement and bringing this to fruition.
Deceased EIBA Fellows
John H. DUNNING (1927-2009)
EIBA-zine, Special Issue (2009): A Tribute to John H. Dunning Author/Editor: Danny Van Den Bulcke
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2001 {First Dean of the EIBA Fellows} |
Seev HIRSCH (1931-2020) EIBAzine-IBP, Spring/Summer 2020 (Issue 26) Authors: Peter Buckley (Leeds University) & Niron Hashai (IDC Herzliya) Author: Tamar Almor (College of Management, Israel)
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2001 |
Jorma LARIMO (1954-2022)
Jorma Larimo died of a sudden illness on January 3, 2022. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Jorma joined EIBA in 1985 and served on the EIBA Board for ten years (2000-2010) as the National Representative for Finland. In 2014 he was elected an EIBA Fellow. Jorma's scholarly contributions will be commemorated in an upcoming issue of EIBAzine and at the next EIBA Annual Conference (EIBA 2022 Oslo).
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2014 |
Reijo LUOSTARINEN (1939-2017)
EIBAzine-IBP, May 2018 (Issue 22) Reijo’s work and the Uppsala model: Similarities and differences (pp. 7-9) Authors: Mats Forsgren (Uppsala University) & Rebecca Piekkari (Aalto University)
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2001 |
Danny VAN DEN BULCKE (1939-2014)
EIBAzine-IBP, May 2014 (Issue 14): Special Commemorative Issue Editor: Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann EIBA memorial webpage | Tributes to Danny
Year elected EIBA Fellow: 2003 {Dean of the EIBA Fellows – 2009-2012} |
For a list of Honorary EIBA Fellows, visit the EIBA Distinguished Honorary Fellowship page (under the menu item 'Awards').